Friday, October 30, 2009

Duke's Santa Hat

It is much harder to find clothes for large dogs compared to small dog clothes. That is why when I can find something to put on my large German shepherd I get excited.
With the upcoming Holidays I thought that I would put a dog Santa hat on and see if it would work. It was big enough and I thought turned out pretty cute!
Make sure you are thinking ahead as Christmas is coming faster than you think. Make sure to get all your dog christmas gifts at Poochieheaven!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Coco Therapy Coconut for Dogs

Coco Therapy Coconut Chips are a delicious treat for your dog or cat. They are made from dehyrdated organic 100% organic coconut meat. No sugars, salt, preservatives, or chemicals added.
Coconut chips are an excellent source of dietary fiber and provide the same benefits as coconut oil. Your dog or cat will absolutely love the rich, slightly nutty taste of these treats. You can either give a few throughout the day or sprinkle in the food.
Coconuts and coconut oil for dogs is by far the best and richest natural source of lauric acid (the other source- human breast milk). Lauric acid fights and destroys viruses and various pathogenic bacteria.
Coconut chips for dogs besides being a great source of dietary fiber, provide animo acids and antioxidants; are rich in medium chain fatty acids (lauric, capric, and caprylic acids), and provide many other health benefits. Coconut chips will also gently elevate the metabolism, provides a higher level of energy and vitality, speeds healing, and can help overweight pets lose weight and sedentry pets feel more energetic. Even more it can enhance the skin and coat, improve digestion, and reduct allergic reactions.
These treats are the perfect alternative to yucky, over processed pet treats that are made with artificial ingredients.
When fed regularly to pets, coconut has proven benefits:
Clears up skin conditions such as eczema flea allergies, contact dermatitis, and itchy skin.
Makes coats sleek and glossy.
Deodorizes doggy odor
Reduces bad breath
Regulate and balance insulin and thyroid levels
Help with arthritis or ligament problems
Speeds health of cuts, wounds, hot spots, and insenct bites and stings when applied topically.

Coco Therapy Coconut Products are 100% pure and natural:
Non-GMO (genetically modified organism)
Cold pressed
No trans fat
No hydrogenated fat

Find Dog Coconut Oil

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Outfitting your Dog

Outfitting your Small Dog

Besides food and water, the most important thing for your dog is a dog collar or harness. Without this there is no way you will be able to walk your dog or let them out to go to the bathroom. Collars for small dogs are also important to have because this is where you put their identification. If your dog was to ever get lost, this information becomes a necessity.

One of the easiest things for your dog to wear is a dog collar. They come in many different styles, colors, materials, and sizes. Each one has positive and negatives about it. A plain nylon small dog collar is best when you are looking for a simple collar that will hold your dog’s tags and allow you to take them for a walk. You can also get nylon ribbon collars that spice up the regular nylon collars. These often have different designs on them that you can change for the occasion. A small dog leather collar is perfect for those people that want a collar that is going to hold up to a lot of stress and rough housing. Leather collars now come in many colors besides brown and black.

Another option that might work for your dog- especially dogs like whippets and Italian greyhounds- are martingale collars. Martingale collars are like a regular collar but if your dog pulls away from you in any direction, they tighten so your dog can not get out of their collar. Martingale collars come in many different kinds; they can be made of nylon, ribbon, and any combination of these materials.

Another option is a harness for small dogs. Harnesses come in many different styles. You can have step-in, roman, vest, all in one, and figure eight. The most common types are step-in and roman harnesses. Understanding what you need for your dog will help you to determine what harness to choose. Harnesses are great for dog’s that have sensitive throats and get bothered by the pressure applied to them by collars.

Dog harnesses can also come in many different materials. You can have your basic nylon harness, you can have leather dog harnesses, there are ribbon dog harnesses, and lastly you can have cloth harnesses. There are also many harnesses that you can get that look like a dog shirt. These types are great for those people that want their dog to wear a shirt and have a harness.

Along with a dog harness, many articles of dog clothing will also have a D-ring near the neckline. A D-ring is like a harness in that you attach the dog’s leash to d-ring and you can then walk the dog like you would if it had a harness or collar on. One thing to make sure though when using the D-ring is that the piece of clothing that it is attached to is securely on the dog and will not come off if the dog pulls.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Earth Friendly Dog Clothing

More and more items are starting to be made with bamboo instead of cotton or other materials. There are many different reasons for this. Dog clothing is not an exception; recently there has been an explosion of dog clothes made out of bamboo and other earth friendly materials.

A piece of organic dog clothing is not only beneficial to the earth, but it can also be healthier for your dog to wear. Organic dog clothing is made without pesticides that could irritate a dog that has sensitive skin. It will also be good for a dog that has many allergies.

While you may think that you will be limited when it comes to trying to find dog clothing that is earth friendly that is really not the case. There are many options of dog shirts, jackets, and other articles of dog clothing. Another good thing about organic dog clothing is that many of these companies are committed to helping the earth and every time you purchase a piece of clothing, they are giving back to charities.

One of the best materials to make environmentally friendly dog clothing out of is bamboo. Below are some reasons why bamboo is great for dog shirts.

· Bamboo is very soft, very comfortable, and has a luxurious feel to it.
· Bamboo is naturally hypo-allergenic and anti-microbial (kills bacteria that causes odors), anti-bacterial.
· Bamboo is cool in hot weather and warm in cold weather.
· Bamboo is recyclable.
· Bamboo supplies 30% more oxygen then trees.
· Bamboo removes 30% more carbon dioxide than trees.
· Bamboo requires no fertilizers or pesticides to grow.
· Bamboo naturally holds color during the dyeing process, which prevents the use of heavy metals and toxic chemicals during the dyeing process.

Do you want cotton dog sweaters or shirts but still want to be earth friendly? There are a few companies that make dog clothing out of reclaimed cotton. They reuse the leftover cotton that from other dog or human clothing, resort it and then make it into dog clothing. This way they save on cotton material that goes to the landfill and the energy and materials to make it in the first place.

Besides reclaimed cotton there is also dog clothing made out of recycled polyester. So no matter what kind of dog appeal you are looking for you will find one that will fit you and your earth friendly initiatives.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dog Sweaters – Perfect Gifts For Your Pooch This Christmas

The fragile snowflakes have already started to kiss the Earth signaling the start of this beautiful Christmas season this year. With just a month to go for Christmas to knock our doors, it is already high time to plan the gifting ideas. Remember that the gifting ideas are not only for keeping the humans happy but also for keeping the pets happy and pampered. Finding the gifts for the pets such as the dogs is a very confusing task. Let it be gifting something to your own pet or getting some gifts for the pets of your friends or relatives, you can never guess what the pet likes. This confusion can be overcome with a little logical thinking. You will be well aware of the fact that the costumes are one of the most preferred gifting items of the Christmas season. Unfortunately, not all the pooches out there will love to wear all types of costumes. However, if the costume is very much comfortable, the pooch will never even think of getting rid of it. This is where the dog sweaters come into play.
Winter Protection For Your Lovable Dog In Style
People have a misconception that the thick hairs of the dogs are sufficient to protect these pets from the chillness of winter. How many of you have noticed your pet pooches to look of warm places to make themselves comfortable during winter? Almost everyone would have noticed that? The real fact is that though the hairs of the pet dog can protect them to a certain extent, the chillness off the Christmas season will be too hard for them to withstand. By making the dogs wear the do sweaters, these pets don’t have to search for warm places anymore. With the dogs sweater in place, these dogs can even roam outside and enjoy the holiday season with you. To the added advantage, these dog sweaters come in various styles. The Santa dog sweaters are very popular dog costumes of the Christmas season.
So What After Christmas?
Gifting during Christmas doesn’t mean that you should present something that can used during Christmas. Something that can be used beyond the Christmas can also for perfect gifts for the pet dogs. Remember that there are dog sweaters for almost any season. For rainy season, there are dog coats to protect your pooch. Does your dog fear about sun burn like you do? The sun coats are up in the market. If you really love your pooch, you can buy all the dog costumes for all season and gift them this Christmas. Holidays are special occasions for your pets too!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fleece Dog Jackets for Large Dogs

With the upcoming cold weather, or if you are in Wisconsin, the snow we had today, it is time to start thinking about warm winter clothing for your dog. While there are many dogs that do not need the extra layer of protection that clothing provides during the winter months, they are many short haired dogs- such as Italian Greyhouds, Great Danes, and pit bulls that do.

One of the warmest would be a fleece dog jacket. The fleece will keep your dog warm even in the coldest of weather. These jackets are great for taking your dog out to the bathroom or for a nightly stroll.

Whether you are looking for a small fleece dog jacket or a big fleece dog jacket, we have one for your dog!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Potty Training your Dog

Here are a few helpful tips when it comes to potty your new puppy or dog.- Buy a dog crate. This is by far the number one thing that you can do to help potty train your dog. Dogs do not like to soil their "home". A dog's crate will soon become their home and they will hold their bladder until they are let you. One piece of advice though is make sure that you get a crate that is the correct size. If you get one too large, the dog will use one area as their sleeping area and one area as their potty area. If you have a puppy that will grow into a large dog as an adult and only want to buy one crate, many brands of crates will come with a divider panel you can add so that it makes the crate smaller and can grow with the dog.- Keep your dog in your site at all times. When you are not home or can't wait them, put them in the crate. This is not cruel.- When you have the puppy out and can watch it, put them on leash and tie it around your ankle, this way you will have an eye on your dog at all times. The important thing for potty training is to catch them before they have to go potty. Most dogs will have a signal that will tell you that they need to go to the bathroom.- Don't punish the dog for doing insides, instead make going outside the greatest thing in the entire world. Praise, give treats, and praise more. Dogs love to please, they will know that going outside is what you want.Good luck!When your dog finally has become potty trained, don't forget to get them a dog bed that they can call their own!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

What Kind of Large Dog Beds are Available?

Choosing a bed for your large breed dog is very important. Many big dogs suffer from hip and joint aliments as they get older, thus needing a high quality big dog bed.

There are many different types of dog beds that you can buy that will suit your dog’s need. Finding which one is best will make the transition to the new bed easy.

For a dog that likes to stretch out with it sleeps a large rectangular dog bed may be best. These beds allow your dog to stretch out and still have their complete body on the bed. This is important for dogs that have hip issues because without a bed large enough they may have parts of their body hanging off and throw off their joints, causing them more pain. A big rectangular dog bed is also good for those households that have two small or medium sized dogs that like to sleep together.

For dogs that like to sleep curled up in a ball, a square dog bed would not be the best option. Rather a large donut dog bed would be the best choice. A donut bed will help support their spine while they sleep curled up in a ball. Unlike dogs that like to sleep stretched out, dogs that sleep in a ball need more back support. Also with a square dog bed, the circular shape of a sleeping dog would cause them to fall off the bed. Also many donut beds are made to support the extra weight in the middle of the bed and will not deteriorate as quickly as beds that are not built for this use.

Besides a donut bed there are many other types of circular dog beds that will benefit a dog that sleeps curled up. A bolster dog bed is like a round dog bed but features an extra ribbing of dog bed along the back to support a dog. A large bolster dog bed is great for dogs that like to sleep against something. The bolster provides the extra comfort they are looking for when sleeping.

For dogs that already have hip and joint issues and no longer need preventative care, a heated or cooling dog bed would be best. What a heated dog bed does is to keep the joints loose, thus after a nice nap the dog does not struggle to get up. The cooling of a dog bed can help to reduce the inflammation that hip dysplasia can cause. With the combination of a good dog bed and the correct supplements you can have your old dog acting like new again.

When looking for a one of a kind dog bed, there are always personalized dog beds. Large personalized dog beds can add the extra touch to your living or bedroom. These also make good birthday and Christmas presents for your dog!