Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Pet Peeves

Overall, Duke is a very good dog. But there are a few things about him that just piss me off.

Last night we went for a short bike ride--about 20 minutes or so. When we got home, guess who had gotten into the kitchen garbage? You guessed right. Duke. He loves garbages, not just kitchen garbages with nasty old food, but any garbage. We have to have all garbage cans covered so he can't get into them. I don't know how to stop this. I've always read and heard that yelling at a dog after they did it does no good because they don't understand the connection, given I still yell, but oh well.

Otherthing that makes me mad is that he whines. He is a big baby and when he doesn't like something he whines. Grrr....

Enough for today

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jax's New Toys

I stopped by a garage sale on Thursday as found Jax a new toy! I've always thought about getting Jax one of these, but was never sure if he would actually use it. I didn't want to spend that much money for something he would not use. Well I got this for a good deal!

P.S. He actually uses it too!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

True Colors Thursday- Maroon

Today's color is Maroon. There are not too many Maroon colored items around the how but below are a few!
There is some maroon in the living room couch.

Maroon is the color of some wedding invitations happening in August at Miller Park. How fun is that!

That is all for this week! Visit http://poopsiestruecolours.blogspot.com/ to play!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


We had an invasion of ants in the laundry room!

I first noticed them two days ago and finally got time to get to the store today to get some ant killer. Not a lot of things bother me, but all these tiny ants crawling all over, really gross me out!

What does this mean for Jax and Duke? All their food, water, and Jax's litter box had to find a new home for a few days while the ant killer does its work. Right now it is all just sitting in the common area right outside the laundry room. Jax hasn't had any problems finding the litter box, so that is good!

That's all for today!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend Catch Up

Jax got a new carrier this weekend! He doesn't ride very well in a car and the carrier he had he would rub his nose up against it and it would start to bleed. This new cat carrier is so much cuter and now he can't make his nose bleed. He still meows the entire time, but at least he doesn't look awful when he gets out!

We went back to my parents for the weekend and he had a great time wrestling with one of my parent's cats. He weighs about 3 times less, but doesn't care and always goes back for more!

Duke had a great weekend too. He always gets spoiled whenever we go back to my parents. There are some days, I think he favors my dad over me, but then again, he gets whatever he wants with my dad.

Duke also got a new bed this weekend. Since moving, we needed a bed for upstairs and a bed for downstairs in the bedroom. I don't have a picture, but you can see his new large dog bed here.

On Monday, it was very hot and muggy here. We took him down to the river to play with his wubba dog toy some. He is NOT a swimmer at all. I wish I had a camera. Most of the water was maybe 6 inches deep, but a few places it was like 2-3 feet. We tried throwing the wubba in there a few times and he would just look at it and try to go where it was shallow to get it. He got better as the time went on, I think he really enjoyed it and was tired when we got home! The picture of him is when he was still a little wet and tired!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bats and Balls

Bats, as in the flying mammals that you only see at night, not baseball bats.

I was sitting in the living room today and saw this thing flying around. After seeing it land a few times, I realized it was a bat. I got a few (blurry) pictures of it while it decided to land right by the back door. Luckily, Jax was in another window as I don't think I'd want him chasing this!

This is the best picture I could get, I didn't feel like sticking my head out the screen door. Duke was right next to me watching and probably wondering what this odd creature was.

Duke favorite toy of all time is tennis balls. But since he can get very annoying with tennis balls, we graduate to other types of balls, which he is not quite as obsessed with. Today, while at Menards, my boyfriend had to get him a toy. Since Duke is very good at playing soccer- one day I'll post a video- he got him this soccer ball. This pose is how he spent most of the night.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

True Colors Thursday- Black & Tan

This is my first week playing this game! It is actually an easy week as Duke is a black and tan German shepherd. Jax is even a little black and tan if you take his colors loosely.

Here are some black and tan shoes in the laundry room!

Duke is a black and tan German shepherd!

Jax is kind of black and tan, and with the black zebra stripe bean bag and his tan, it also works!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Duke is a Wimp

Duke is a 100lb German shepherd and is scared of a child's pair of slippers. Given they are Elmo, and he is kind of scary, but come on.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who is Jax?

Jax is a Siamese/Himalayan/ragdoll/something mix. He was adopted in March '09 from Animal Rescue and Farm Sanctuary. He thought he was 6 months old then.

He loves the little fake rattle mice and is definitely inherited the talking of a Siamese. He also loves to eat and is very loving in the mornings.

Who is Duke?

Duke is a 4 year old long haired German Shepherd. He was purchased from a breeder from the German Shepherd Dog Club of Minneapolis and St. Paul in May of 2005.

He LOVES tennis balls and balls of all kind. He really dislikes food and while weighing in at 100lbs, he still looks skinny.

I would not consider him your typical German shepherd, he is mildly reserved with strangers and he gets along good with dogs.

He is overall a great dog!